Women in cryptocurrency – it’s not somETHing you hear that often. Like many ventures in the tech and business world, crypto seems to be largely dominated by men.

When posting in crypto forums under a username, many responders assumed I was male and addressed me as such. This got me wondering – where are all the ladies at in the crypto sphere?

It is estimated that women account for only about 4-6% of all blockchain investors. Many argue that this is because women, on the whole, are far less risk tolerant and are therefore less likely to invest in somETHing that is shown to be unstable – such as cryptocurrency.

Although women appear to invest less on the regular stock market, their investments might perform better on a long-term basis. WhETHer this translates into crypto, however, is difficult to tell, considering how few women are involved in digital currencies and blockchain technology.

We’re not here to discuss the implementations of what it could mean for women to not be investing in cryptocurrencies. Nor are we here to discuss the current space that women have been pushed into for crypto. Those are whole other conversations. Instead, I’d like to recognize some of the women who ARE in the crypto space right now.