Much of crypto is up, but some coins are struggling. Has the Verge (XVG) partnership downgraded the coin? What are Dash and Lisk (LSK) up to? Let’s find out.

Verge (XVG)

Verge is currently selling for $0.071327, which puts the coin down 14.08% in the past 24 hours.

Source: CoinMarketCapYesterday, Verge announced that its mystery partner was none other than Pornhub. So, Verge is now quite the adult coin – no wonder it’s private! It honestly doesn’t come as much of a surprise that Verge’s growth has now plummeted. XVG dropped from nearly $0.12 to $0.07 in only a few hours.

The skeptics proclaiming Verge as a pump and dump (that just took on a whole new meaning) are probably grinning pretty hard right now.

What do you think? Was this the partnership you were expecting? Is it a partnership that you support?