Tron (available on Binance) (TRX) is seeing significant gains on the cryptocurrency market today. Justin Sun, Tron (available on Binance)’s founder, and the Tron (available on Binance) Foundation have steadily tweeted on the countdown to the test net launch. Tron (available on Binance)’s test net is set to launch in just ten days and the community around the project are ecstatic.

The founder has been receiving heavy critique from the community as the coin hit a sharp record high with the rest of the cryptocurrency market but has since dropped significantly. Since its high of $0.259 a coin, it has dropped over -85%.

Many who got in on the cryptocurrency market at that time, had not actually researched any of the projects and simply bought coins based on their sudden spike in price. However, when TRX launched back in September of last year it did not have a “working” product. Many ICOs that concluded, had only a whitepaper and a vision but many new crypto investors don’t realize that its actual value comes when it has a working project in place.