Crypto took off in 2017. Now, in 2018, there are over 1,500 cryptocurrencies fighting for attention, making it hard to decide where to focus first.

Here is a list of reasons why you should be paying attention to NEO and Stellar (XLM) in 2018. Will they be the best coins of the year? We like them, and we’ll tell you why. Then, you can decide for yourself.


NEO, known by many as the Chinese Ethereum (available on Coinbase), is looking to create a smarter economy while facilitating the transfer of digital and traditional assets. NEO is China’s first open-source blockchain (which is almost ironic given China’s sentiments on crypto). Essentially, NEO is meant to be a digital representative of non-digital assets. Like Ethereum (available on Coinbase), NEO uses smart contracts to trigger its call-to-actions. This means someone could set up a NEO smart contract to automatically pay off their credit card bill, for example.

Much of the interest in NEO comes from its association with Onchain. Onchain developed out of NEO as a way of separating the digital currency from the blockchain development team. Onchain helps businesses to integrate blockchain technology into their day-to-day operations. NEO’s relationship with Onchain helps to bring business ventures to the platform, which aid in its growth.

NEO came after Ethereum (available on Coinbase). This is significant because it means that NEO was able to learn from Ethereum (available on Coinbase)’s mistakes and improve upon its functions. For one thing, smart contracts via NEO can be coded using the most common programming languages that developers actually know, rather than forcing developers to learn a whole new script. Additionally, NEO is already in the proof-of-stake stage, whereas Ethereum (available on Coinbase) is stuck in proof-of-work.

China hasn’t yet taken any action against NEO. This is also huge. China has started battle after battle against crypto, but NEO? NEO has been left alone. Does that mean that China supports it? Not necessarily, but it does mean that NEO will, for the time being, be able to continue growing in the Chinese market, which is a significant player in the crypto world. This could account for NEO’s substantial growth already and could drive the aLTCoin even further this year.

There are also many ICOs launching on NEO’s network, which shows the interest NEO has generated among the global developer community.

NEO has used Ethereum (available on Coinbase) as its springboard and 2018 is sure to be the year we start seeing some major NEO developments. NEO has always been developing towards the future – addressing future demands before they come up. It will be exciting to see what projects NEO has in store for us this year.

Currently selling for $110.08, NEO is ranked as the 7th largest cryptocurrency by market cap. Since this time last year, NEO has grown 82,729%.