Medicalchain is storming the healthcare space with its revolutionary blockchain technology. Essentially, the project is a blockchain that is specifically made for health records. Each patient is provided a copy of their entire medical history and can give access to any healthcare provider, instantly. Medicalchain’s CEO, Abdullah Albeyatti, is set to take the healthcare industry by storm. If you’d like to read more about Medicalchain, click here.


Medicalchain just held its ICO on February 1st and closed that same day. There were 135,000 registered for the ICO and 45,000 sent their KYC within the first two minutes of launch. Only 1,750 applicants were needed to close the ICO with a hard cap of $24,000,000.


MedTokens (MTN) has been made available TODAY for trade on Kucoin, Qryptos, Coinbene,, and Huobi Pro.


We recently got to chat with Medicalchain’s CEO, Abdullah Albeyatti, for an exclusive interview about his big plans for the project.



You have quite the extensive background in Medicine, what made you choose this field?

I initially wanted to be a pilot in all honesty!  But from the age of 12 years old, I started to develop an interest in science and the human body.  This interest naturally progressed into a passion for medicine and for the next few years, my complete focus was to make sure I got accepted into Medical School to become a doctor.  I do hope one day I will find the time to go on some flying lessons, however!


How and when did the idea for Medicalchain, come about?

The idea is really not a new one.  If you have ever spoken to anyone who has needed medical assistance, or a doctor trying to provide the best care that they can for their patient, the frustration always lies with information sharing and access.  Patients are flabbergasted that their doctor cannot view all of their previous results and clinic letters.  They are often shocked to find out that their doctors’ records are limited to what has been discussed in that clinic or hospital. Their information has not been shared with all the other doctors, clinics and hospitals that patient may have come across during their health journey.  Equally, doctors are frustrated that all of the information they need exists in some other computer network outside of their reach and that when they are conducting a consultation with the patient, they are relying on what little information they have access to.  This leads to errors and does not provide the patient or the clinician with the best consultation experience.


What has the response to the ICO been like?

Overwhelming and humbling.  Our telegram group was over 50,000 members when I last checked and journalists from all over the world have been in touch with us.  There are also several Youtubers that have reviewed the company and provided us with a lot of great free exposure. That always helps.


I know you started in the UK but are you targeting a specific country first, to roll out your project? 

We are aiming for a global platform and in time I hope we will be established in all of the major cities in the world.  Our first targets will be countries that speak English as their first language as this will be the easiest way to develop and deploy our platform.  Once we are up and running and have stress tested the system we will aim for the far east next where we have a huge following.


The medical field can be a tough industry to elicit change, as some facilities around the world are still dragging their feet with ElecTron (available on Binance)ic Medical Records (EMR). How are you planning to combat this?

Those with established EMR will be straightforward to onboard on to our platform. We will use API to connect our two systems.  For those who are still using written notes, OCR and AI technology will allow us to scan in the user’s medical records and filter through which are blood test results, clinical letters, and imaging reports.  This would obviously be a long process and less efficient but we have a plan for interacting with most medical records regardless of their format.


Are you using a specific wearable with your technology, for every patient? Would your records be held in like a smartwatch? How would that work?

We’ve built an integration into Apple Health. We can retrieve vital information such as heart rate and calorie burn. Wouldn’t it be nice if the next time you saw your doctor, using the Medicalchain dashboard he/she could view your activities to help motivate you towards leading a fit and healthy lifestyle.  Your blood pressure and weight would be recorded and you could personally track how you were doing and work towards the goals you have set with your clinician.


We are aiming for all wearables such as smartwatches as well as phones to play a more active role in our healthcare as well as be there for us in an emergency situation.


We are developing a bracelet ourselves to be used in an emergency situation to unlock a certain and specific area of your records that would be needed in an emergency.  This would be information predetermined by the user that they would be happy to share in an emergency and would need two doctors to agree to unlock this information from the bracelet should the patient be unconscious and unable to verbally give their consent.


In order to access these records, would each business have to hold their own node?

The nodes will be hospitals, universities, and non-profit organizations worldwide.  It would not be necessary for every institution to act as a node on the network but obviously the more involved, the more decentralized and secure the network.


It seems like a no-brainer to me, but like any project, what complaints and negative feedback have you heard from the medical community?

Thankfully little to none!  Most doctors and patients are very frustrated with the health sector’s lack of technology and innovation to solve simple issues such as communication and the sharing of information.  Other sectors such as the finance sector are light years ahead of the medical world and it is about time we caught up.  I sincerely hope with Medicalchain, rather than being a step in the right direction, it will be a leap!


With its token sale a huge success, this seems to be just the start for Medicalchain. As its team gears up to completely revolutionize the technologically slow healthcare industry, we will continue to track their progress. MedTokens have been made available today and anyone who was unable to purchase the coins within the ICO, should be sure get their hands on them today.


Big thanks to Chief Executive Officer Abdullah Albeyatti for taking time out of his busy schedule to chat with


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Chelsea Roh is a freelance content writer living in Vancouver, BC. Her current focus is cryptocurrency, financial analysis and blockchain technology. In addition to content writing, she is an experienced Social Media Manager/Strategist. Before moving to CanADA, she spent 10+ years marketing
and working hands on in the medical practice industry.