The day we’ve all been waiting for – no, not the Oscars – the Crypto Oscars!

It’s the time when all the coins come out, dressed in their ritziest conversion rates and flashing their market cap. The red carpet rolls out, and the crowds swarm in – here they come! Is that Bitcoin (available on Coinbase) stepping out of the limo with Ethereum (available on Coinbase)? But enough gossip, let’s get on with the show!

On Monday, we reported that there would be eight separate categories: four to be calculated today and four to be determined by you, the voters. The numbers are all in, and the envelopes are sealed; the nominees eagerly await their fate. Who will be crowned victor at the Crypto Oscars 2018? We’ll start with the calculation categories*.

*All numbers are calculated based on CoinMarketCap data

Greatest Growth Since Creation

What coin has grown the most since it was initially created?

The nominees are:

Bitcoin (available on Coinbase) (BTC)

Ethereum (available on Coinbase) (ETH)

Ripple (available on Binance) (XRP)

Bitcoin (available on Coinbase) Cash (BCH)

Cardano (ADA)

And the winner is…

Ethereum (available on Coinbase)!

ETH has grown 30,185.16% since its creation.

Greatest Growth in One Year

What cryptocurrency grew the most in one year, from this time last year to today?

The nominees are:

Litecoin (available on Coinbase) (LTC)

– Stellar (XLM)


– Dash

– Monero (XMR)

And the winner is…


NEO has grown a whopping 105,490.27% in one year.

Greatest Growth Year-to-Date

What token has grown the most since the start of 2018?

The nominees are:


Ethereum (available on Coinbase) (ETH)

Ethereum (available on Coinbase) Classic (ETC)

– VeChain (VEN)

Lisk (LSK)

And the winner is…


VEN has grown 102.61% since the beginning of 2018.

Top Performer for the Day

What coin has taken the lead for the day?

The nominees are:

– All Coins

And the winner is…

Iconomi (ICN)!

ICN is currently selling for $1.99, putting it up 34.20% in the past 24 hours, making it the top percentage performer for the day.

Now, we’ll move onto the categories that have been determined by the fans’ votes.

The Underdog Coin

What aLTCoin was voted as being the coin to beat this year?

The nominees are:

Tron (available on Binance) (TRX)

Lisk (LSK)


– Nano

And the winner is…


LSK won the vote by 68%.

Best Crypto Game

What is, or will be, the best crypto game of them all? The votes are in!

The nominees are:

– CryptoKitties

Tron (available on Binance) Dogs

– World of ETHer

NEOn District

And the winner is…

World of ETHer!

World of ETHer won the vote by 69%.

Best ICO

What was voted as the favorite upcoming or ongoing ICO?

The nominees are:

– Faceter

– Friendz

– Sapien

– AdHive

And the winner is…


It was a close vote, but AdHive snagged the win at the last minute with 53%.

Fan Favourite Coin

What was voted as the fan favourite coin?

The nominees are:

– All Coins

And the winner is…

Ethereum (available on Coinbase)!

ETH won the vote as the fan favourite coin with 18.75%.

And that’s it, folks! It was great to see so much participation from the fans, and it was a pleasure to host the very first ever Crypto Oscars!

Obviously, this is just a fun game and should not be taken as trading advice.

Featured image: YouTube

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