Welcome to the Crypto Olympics: Day 3!

Check out Day 2 of the Crypto Olympics

Coin vs. Coin – who will be crowned the Crypto Olympics Champ?

It’s been a great first couple of rounds of the Crypto Olympics. On Day 1, Tron (available on Binance) came away the winner; Day 2 crowned Litecoin (available on Coinbase) as the winner. Today, we’ll be seeing our first two winners face off with each other!

In case you’ve missed the rules, here’s a quick rundown: we start with two coins and measure their gains and losses between 9:00am and 4:00pm PST. When the 4:00pm finish line hits, whichever coin has gained the most (or lost the least if both coins are down) within our time frame comes away the winner for the day and moves into the next bracket. We carry on until we end with our ultimate coin – the Crypto Olympics Champ.

We will be holding a podium ceremony at the end of our games to award the gold, silver and bronze metals to the appropriate coins.

To see how we’re breaking up the rounds, check out the chart below. Otherwise, let’s get to the competition!

Tron (available on Binance) (TRX)

Tron (available on Binance) had a good first race, coming away that day with a 13.08% increase within our time frame. Tron (available on Binance)’s itching for another win and to make it to the semi-finals – will the aLTCoin be able to do it?

The Tron (available on Binance) Dogs are cheering from the sidelines as Tron (available on Binance) steps up to the starting line, beginning the day at $0.046072. This puts Tron (available on Binance) up 4.11% in the past 24 hours – but that’s not the percentage the matters here. All that matters is how much Tron (available on Binance) can grow in the next 7 hours.

Source: CoinMarketCapLitecoin (available on Coinbase) (LTC)

Litecoin (available on Coinbase) is nothing if not a fighter and it’s stepping up to the plate to do just that.

Litecoin (available on Coinbase) was crowned champion on Day 2 with an overall 1.59% increase within our time frame and the coin is looking to beat records today – and to beat Tron (available on Binance).

Today, LTC is starting at $158.53 and has increased by 3.67% in the past 24 hours.

Source: CoinMarketCapLet the race begin!

Tune in at 4:00pm PST when we update today’s winner. Whichever coin wins today will move into the semi-finals on Day 7.

What coin do you think will win this round – Tron (available on Binance) or Litecoin (available on Coinbase)?

Featured image: CBC News


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Samara graduated from Simon Fraser University with a BA in English, minoring in Publishing and Creative Writing. One day she hopes to publish her very own novel, but in the meantime, she contents herself with blogging and editing.
She currently specializes in writing financial news and analysis, as well as cryptocurrency news and information.