Welcome to the Crypto Olympics!

Coin vs. Coin – who will be crowned the Crypto Olympics Champ?

This is how it’s going to work: we’ll start with two coins, then we monitor their gains and losses throughout the day, on the hour. The finish line is 4:00 pm PST. Whichever coin crosses the finish line with the highest percentage gain (or whichever coin lost the least in the case where they’re both down) will be the winner of the day. Then, the next round begins the following morning, with the winner versing a new coin. By the end of February 25th, we will have our ultimate coin!

Today’s competing coins will be, drumroll please, Tron (available on Binance) (TRX) VS. Lisk (LSK)! And the crowds go wild!

Tron (available on Binance) (TRX)

Tron (available on Binance) currently ranks as the 15th largest cryptocurrency by market cap. Tron (available on Binance) is decentralizing content one step at a time. This aLTCoin is looking to create a platform on which content creators can be compensated for sharing their content.

Source: CoinMarketCapTron (available on Binance) has been gearing up for the competition all week, and as the morning progresses, the coin has hit full sprint mode. TRX’s current selling price is $0.042250. Its movement in the past 24 hours started to kick off in the early morning hours, and now the coin is up by 17.05%.

Will Tron (available on Binance) be able to pace itself enough to keep the momentum going all day? We shall soon find out!

Lisk (LSK)

Lisk is focused on producing decentralized blockchain apps. This public blockchain platform began in 2016 and started making headway in June of 2017. Lisk currently ranks as the 14th largest cryptocurrency by market cap.

Source: CoinMarketCapLisk’s climb has been slow and steady in the past 24 hours. The current selling price of LSK is $26.15, meaning the coin is up 16.07%.

Will Lisk pull off the underdog role and snatch the winning title out from Tron (available on Binance)?

Tron (available on Binance) may be the younger coin, but so far it is in the lead ahead of Lisk. The race is close, though, so it’s anyone’s game at this point!

Vote in the comments below which coin you think will experience the most momentum today.

Featured image: RSCA-Racing

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Samara graduated from Simon Fraser University with a BA in English, minoring in Publishing and Creative Writing. One day she hopes to publish her very own novel, but in the meantime, she contents herself with blogging and editing.
She currently specializes in writing financial news and analysis, as well as cryptocurrency news and information.