Welcome to Day 6 of Crypto Madness!

We at cryptocurrencynews.com, CCN, are pleased to bring the fans the ICO showdown.

Today’s competitors: ARround ICO vs. ImmVRse ICO.

Check out Day 5 of Crypto Madness

The Rules

Each match-up winner will not be based on the project’s specific concept, whitepaper, or team. Instead, in the ultimate test, the winner will be decided by popular vote.

That means it’s up to you, the fans, to push your favorite ICO to the finals. Polls will be posted on our website’s Twitter page – @cryptonewsmag.

Each poll will be open for 24 hours, starting at 9 AM PDT.

Votes will be tallied after each poll closes and the winner will be announced in the next day’s post. The more exposure the specific Twitter poll receives, the greater the odds of yourfavoritee ICO moving on – hence the power of the retweet.

For those unfamiliar with the ICOs in the day’s matchup, we will provide educational content and details of each project. That way, you still partake in the day’s poll, while learning about new and upcoming coins in the cryptocurrency market.

The competition will be single elimination, starting from March 15th with 16 teams.

The championship round will work slightly differently. On April 2nd, the final two ICOs will face off, but this time, the poll will last 48 hours. We will announce the Crypto Madness champion on the morning of the 4th.

March 20th Winner

The winning ICO was…


Guardian Circle took the lead in the first half but then TrustedHealth swooped in, stealing the ball and the show! It was our closest match yet, with TrustedHealth winning 58% of the fan vote.

TrustedHealth will move into the quarter-final round on March 27th.

ARround ICO

ARround is looking to bring personalized augmented reality advertising to your world through the power of blockchain. Use the ARround app to find the best products, connect with cool people, and discover a whole new world of recommendations.

Learn more about the ARround ICO here.


ImmVRse is all about decentralized virtual reality. It’s meant to act as a VR content sharing platform aimed at VR creators, advertisers, and businesses. The ImmVRse universe wants to focus on a collaborative future.

Learn more about the ImmVRse ICO here.


The poll is now open and you can vote for your favourite ICO in this link!

Featured image: SBNation

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