Congress blockchain meeting: There is a lot of news getting pumped out into the world right now. In the crypto space, however, all eyes are on the Congressional subcommittees that are meeting today, to discuss blockchain. 

Congress Blockchain Meeting

Today, a pair of Congressional subcommittees will meet to discuss blockchain technology. The session will focus on the role the technology plays in supply chain management. There will be similarities to the meeting that took place in February, but, according to Rep. Roger Marshall, Tuesday’s meeting is going to focus less on the science and more on new technologies emerging and improving in the blockchain sector. 

The session is meant to be informative, but Marshall says questions and discussions are welcome. As for the people at the meeting, the chairman of the House Science Committee stated that Tuesday’s session will have numerous “experts in intellectual property,” as well as experts in shipping, logistics, and cybersecurity. 

Other Meetings in the Crypto and Blockchain World

Yesterday, a group of SEC and CFTC officials was scheduled to meet to discuss whETHer cryptocurrencies should be ruled like stocks. The crypto at the center of this was Ethereum (available on Coinbase) (ETH). Now, however, reports have surfaced today that this meeting never even took place.