Should You Invest in Substratum (SUB)?

Should You Invest in Substratum (SUB)?

For the past several hours, Substratum (SUB) has been hovering in the top three percentage gainers for the day. Currently, SUB is the 3rd largest percentage gainer for the day. Why is this coin suddenly taking off? Should you invest in Substratum? What is Substratum (SUB)? According to its website, Substratum (SUB) is an “open-source…

Crypto exchanges in SEC cross-hairs

Crypto exchanges in SEC cross-hairs

The SEC has continued its guidance relating to all things crypto with a statement in early March regarding the legality of exchanges. While the statement doesn’t name any specific exchanges, it does make it clear the SEC considers many exchanges to be acting contrary to US securities law by trading assets the SEC considers to…