Cryptocurrency Scams, Ad Bans, and Negative Opinions. Is There A Light At The End Of The Crypto Tunnel?

Cryptocurrency Scams, Ad Bans, and Negative Opinions. Is There A Light At The End Of The Crypto Tunnel?

It’s no puzzler that unregulated cryptocurrencies make cryptocurrency scams easier for hackers to develop techniques and schemes for looting the general public. The market has recently witnessed huge losses after hackers had stolen almost $900 million from Coincheck, Bitconnect and BitGrail exchanges. Initial Coin Offerings also provide an easy path for scammers to generate funds in the…

Google Will Ban Cryptocurrency Ads – How Will This Affect The Crypto-Sphere?

Google Will Ban Cryptocurrency Ads – How Will This Affect The Crypto-Sphere?

Encouraged by country leaders and banks, major advertising companies have been banning cryptocurrency related-ads on their platform due to the uncertainty surrounding scams and illicit activities using crypto. Facebook already implemented its ban, and now Google will ban cryptocurrency ads on its platform, the company announced today. Based on the company press release, this will be effective…