Ethereum [ETH] Ranked World’s Top Blockchain Network by Chinese Govt, Bitcoin [BTC] Ranked 13

Ethereum [ETH] Ranked World’s Top Blockchain Network by Chinese Govt, Bitcoin [BTC] Ranked 13

Ethereum [ETH] – Just this morning, China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology released blockchain ratings. These ratings were based on three criteria technology, innovation, and application. 1/ Public blockchain ratings by China’s ministry is out: #Ethereum ranks top of the 28 cryptos evaluatedSource (in Chinese): — cnLedger (@cnLedger) May 17, 2018 As shown…

6 Winning tactics for profitable OTC trading

6 Winning tactics for profitable OTC trading

Institutional investors and high-net-worth individuals (HNI) typically use over-the-counter (OTC) trading when they want to buy or sell a large amount of cryptocurrency. That’s because while 99% of people wanting to buy or sell crypto can do it directly on an exchange, placing an extremely large order that way, if not done right, can be…