Facebook Appoints Director of Engineering Blockchain

Facebook Appoints Director of Engineering Blockchain

Director of engineering blockchain: Facebook has appointed one of its senior engineers Evan Cheng as its first “director of engineering blockchain”.  The new position was confirmed by Facebook on Tuesday and signals the companies seriousness about the technology. Cheng has previously been responsible for heading up Programming Languages & Runtimes at Facebook. Prior to that,…

Venezuela Wants to Use Its Petro Cryptocurrency to House the Homeless

Venezuela Wants to Use Its Petro Cryptocurrency to House the Homeless

Venezuela Petro cryptocurrency: Lldemaro Villarroel, the Venezuelan Minister of Habitat and Housing, just announced that the Venezuelan government is planning on using the national cryptocurrency Petro to house the homeless, Criptotendencia reported yesterday. The project will be called ‘Great Mission for Venezuela Housing‘ (GMVV) and the Venezuelan government will be fully funding it. GMVV aims…