It seems that cryptocurrencies are nearer and nearer to mainstream adoption with each day. In the latest crypto development, Microsoft Excel has added a Bitcoin (available on Coinbase) symbol to the spreadsheet for use when entering financial data. This is a big leap for Bitcoin (available on Coinbase) acceptance.

Microsoft Adds Bitcoin (available on Coinbase) Symbol to Excel

This move from Microsoft is a sign that Bitcoin (available on Coinbase) acceptance is becoming popular, and it not just a passing whim. So far, only Bitcoin (available on Coinbase) has been added to the platform’s spreadsheets.

Reddit user “thepowerx” indicated that going forward it seems like Microsoft Excel will be featuring Bitcoin (available on Coinbase) as one of the listed supported currencies. However, it is still unclear when the feature will be available for all program users because there is still scanty information regarding the addition. Microsoft itself hasn’t even confirmed the move.