How Synexcoin Turned Experience into a Philosophy!

How Synexcoin Turned Experience into a Philosophy!

HomeSponsoredHow Synexcoin Turned Experience into a Philosophy! There have been many revolutionary ideas in technological history that have flopped throughout their history. Does Video 2000 tell you something? Apple’s Newton? Or the Ford Nucleon? Many technical inventions have spectacularly flopped even though they were good products. With a good invention, you don’t always succeed. Many…

Privacy 3.0: Encryption tools for the decentralized web

Privacy 3.0: Encryption tools for the decentralized web

As decentralized networks, blockchains offer a means of circumventing centralized institutions and removing the need to trust a single party. That means greater transparency, since the network sees and validates every transaction. However, this newfound transparency also makes users’ activities far more vulnerable. Without proper privacy-preserving environments, users on a blockchain’s decentralized infrastructure can suffer from…

10 Awesome Uses of Cryptocurrency

10 Awesome Uses of Cryptocurrency

To most people, cryptocurrencies are typically thought of as high-risk investments for millennials and Silicon Valley insiders. However, what is getting somewhat lost amid the hype and speculation is that most decentralized digital currencies, such as bitcoin, were created to ‘do something’ and so have a wide range of powerful use cases. Here are some:…

Four interesting facts about crypto mining

Four interesting facts about crypto mining

China is the largest crypto miner China is the world’s largest players when it comes to cryptocurrency mining which has been facing increased scrutiny from authorities that may eventually result in regulating the power used for mining.  China maintains about 60-75 percent of the bitcoin mining network and, according to Chinese media, 600 bitcoin miners…

Five interesting facts about crypto mining

Five interesting facts about crypto mining

China is the largest crypto miner China is the world’s largest player when it comes to cryptocurrency mining which has been facing increased scrutiny from authorities that may eventually result in regulating the power used for mining.  China maintains about 60-75 percent of the bitcoin mining network and, according to Chinese media, 600 bitcoin miners…