India Crypto Ban Goes Into Effect in Two Days

India Crypto Ban Goes Into Effect in Two Days

India crypto ban: According to various media outlets, the Reserve bank of India (RBI) will succeed in its ban on cryptocurrencies starting July fifth. India’s Supreme Court has refused the extension of the grace period in which cryptocurrency entities could continue their banking services. This means that businesses that handle digital currencies will no longer…

Major European Banks Successfully Test Cross-Border Trades on IBM Blockchain Platform

Major European Banks Successfully Test Cross-Border Trades on IBM Blockchain Platform

IBM blockchain platform:, a European blockchain trading platform, has just announced that it has completed its first live operations. The platform was established by the major European banks Deutsche Bank, HSBC, KBC, Natixis, Nordea, Rabobank, Santander, Societe Gererale, and UniCredit. This consortium was put together to address the current issues many banks face with cross-border transactions.…

Audit by FSA finds multiple issues with Japan’s crypto exchanges

Audit by FSA finds multiple issues with Japan’s crypto exchanges

Japan’s Financial Services Agency (FSA) announced recently that it has issued orders to six cryptocurrency exchange operators–Tech Bureau, Corp., BITPoint Japan Co. Ltd., BTC BOX. Ltd, bitFlyer, Inc., and QUIONE Pte. Ltd.–to reform their business practices. The FSA conducted on-site inspections at each of the companies and the results identified various points for reform, such…