It appears we have yet another company interested in blockchain technology. While not as far-fetched as, say, Long Island Iced Tea (now Long Blockchain Corp. (NASDAQ:LTEA)) moving into blockchain, I was still a little taken back, and also very excited, to hear that Wien Energie is testing a number of blockchain-based services.

Wien Energie’s Latest Move into Blockchain

This surprised, yet excited me for two reasons in particular. The first being that Wien Energie is Austria’s largest energy supplier, so blockchain could send the company above and beyond. That is if everything ends up being a success. Secondly, Wien Energie is testing these blockchain-based services because it is preparing to launch a fully-fledged service that might incorporate these cases. Cool, right?

Astrid Schober, Wien Energie chief innovation officer, spoke to Reuters and informed them that the blockchain-based services are being tested in Vienna’s Viertel Zwei. He added that once the company has collected “enough experience there,” Wien Energie will then move on to creating a variety of business models. Once these businesses models meet company standards, Wien Energie will bring them forth to the market.

Both blockchain technology and cryptocurrency have taken the world by storm. However, some people think that blockchain is going to surpass cryptocurrencies, as the technology holds much more potential. It seems Wien Energie agrees with this, considering the company has previously tried to incorporate blockchain technology into its work. In fact, Schober indicated to Reuters that Wien Energie doesn’t want to run the risk of being left behind when the rest of the world starts taking advantage of blockchain.

As for the blockchain-based services Wien Energies is currently testing, the public might, if all goes well, start to see electric vehicle stations that are connected through blockchain technology. Again, I repeat, cool right?

The times are changing. I for one can’t wait to see where Austria takes this sparked interest in blockchain.

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Caroline Harris is a third-year student at Capilano University in North Vancouver, CanADA. Having already completed an Associates Degree in Psychology, Caroline is working towards finishing her Bachelor’s degree in Communications. In preparation for working in the advertisement sector, Caroline is writing financial content and analysis. On a daily basis, Caroline works on articles regarding the following topics: finance, consumer, technology, and politics.