Avoid Coinbase Fees Using GDAX

Avoid Coinbase Fees With GDAX

Avoid Coinbase fees with GDAX. Coinbase is a great introductory platform for those looking to purchase cryptocurrencies with fiat currencies (ie. USD, EUR etc.). It’s easy to use mobile app has drawn millions of new users and has seen a massive growth in users since it’s inception in 2012. Coinbase has become so popular, that […]

DASH Joins With Arizona State University, Big Things In Store For The Coin

DASH Joins With Arizona State University, Big Things In Store For The Coin

The DASH coin hasn’t been breaking any news headlines since the second week of December when it reached its record high. Since then, the cryptocurrency market has struggled immensely due to a number of factors. Many countries around the world have threatened to ban exchanges/mining; several cryptocurrency exchanges had to be temporarily shut down after reaching max capacity,…