Will 2018 be the Year for DENT?

Will 2018 be the Year for DENT?

Who is DENT? DENT is creating an open global marketplace for buying and selling mobile data. Through the use of Blockchain, it wants to create the world’s first mobile-data-exchange and if successful, will liberate mobile data and greatly disrupt the Telco industries. Essentially, the ultimate goal is to make the global telecommunications industry more efficient…

An oil-backed cryptocurrency? Introducing Venezuela’s ‘Petro’

An oil-backed cryptocurrency? Introducing Venezuela’s ‘Petro’

On December 3, 2017, Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro announced plans to create a national cryptocurrency called the ‘Petro’ that will be backed by the country’s natural resources, most notably its substantial oil reserves. Currently, Venezuela is facing  US government led sanctions that make moving money through international banks difficult — and Maduro believes a government-backed…