The DLT Wave: From Hype to Progress

The DLT Wave: From Hype to Progress

Despite this, we continue to have great optimism over the future of DLT and are actively experimenting with use cases. It’s clear we’re not the only ones. Deloitte recently reported that in 2016 there were nearly 27,000 blockchain projects started on the GitHub platform alone. However, Deloitte also found only 8% of those projects are actively maintained.…

MediChain ICO Raises Major Red Flags

MediChain ICO Raises Major Red Flags

In 2017, ICOs (Initial Coin Offerings) blew up in the cryptocurrency market and raised a total of $5.6 billion dollars. Startups discovered a new way to fundraise and receive capital faster, by holding these coin offerings. Instead of going through the traditional VC route which pinholes their company early to a specific valuation, they decided…