Crypto Market Analysis — Hacks, tax, and forks the biggest drivers of Q1

Crypto Market Analysis — Hacks, tax, and forks the biggest drivers of Q1

The first quarter of 2018 was marked with continued protocol layer innovations, with heavy declines in prices across the board. Emerging and recurrent themes included transaction fees, microtransactions, increased fiat on-ramps, and regulatory changes. The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) and Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in the U.S., as well as Japan’s Financial Services Agency (FSA), made sweeping announcements or changes…

What is Tron [TRX]? Everything You Need to Know

What is Tron [TRX]? Everything You Need to Know

Tron [TRX] is a blockchain-based decentralized platform seeking to build a free, content entertainment ecosystem. The system being built will use distributed storage technology, which will allow east and cost-effective sharing of digital content. The project was founded by the Tron Foundation, a Singapore-based non-profit, back in 2017. Team Tron [TRX] is lead by its…

South Africa Might Self-Regulate Crypto

South Africa Might Self-Regulate Crypto

South Africa might be taking a different approach to crypto regulations. Rather than implementing government-based regulations on cryptocurrencies, a self-regulatory approach may be adopted. Why self-regulate crypto? According to Bridget King, the Finance and Banking Practice Director at a South African law firm, prematurely regulating cryptocurrencies could stem their growth and the overall innovation of…