Bitcoin Price: Bitcoin Reaches its One-Month High

Bitcoin Price: Bitcoin Reaches its One-Month High

The Bitcoin price (BTC) bull-run is continuing this week after soaring 34% in the last two weeks. Bulls have been successfully optimizing trader’s sentiments, and they have several reasons to support their bullish thesis. They say the market has digested the bearish trend that was supported by concerns over the regulatory requirement, taxation, and bans from…

Litecoin Recovers from LitePay’s Hard Hit

Litecoin Recovers from LitePay’s Hard Hit

Litecoin has been a crypto that has managed to overcome adversity. Created as a faster and cheaper alternative to bitcoin, this “old” cryptocurrency has had a very active journey during its existence, becoming one of the five most important cryptos in the ecosystem. The main face behind this blockchain is Charlie Lee, a developer highly…

Coinbase has Blocked WikiLeaks: A Controversy has Kicked Off

Coinbase has Blocked WikiLeaks: A Controversy has Kicked Off

Coinbase has blocked Wikileaks. The controversy broke out over the weekend, so what happened? Let’s dig in. According to WikiLeaks, Coinbase suspended it from using Coinbase’s payments services. WikiLeaks tweeted out the message it received from Coinbase, which stated that some of WikiLeaks’ activities were “in violation of [Coinbase’s] Terms of Service.” ANNOUNCE: Coinbase has blocked…