HTC announce blockchain-powered smartphone – but why?

HTC announce blockchain-powered smartphone – but why?

Speaking at Consensus 2018, HTC founder Phil Chen revealed the plan for ‘Exodus’, a smartphone that will support “underlying protocols such as Bitcoin, Lightning Networks, Ethereum, Dfinity, and more.” The vision revolves around three key selling points: a seamless experience of decentralized apps, inherent security from embedded cold storage, and node functionality. Details were given…

Russia and Iran Discuss Potential ‘Crypto Alliance’ to Bypass International Sanctions

Russia and Iran Discuss Potential ‘Crypto Alliance’ to Bypass International Sanctions

Crypto Alliance – Russia and Iran might start using digital currencies, like Bitcoin (BTC), to bypass international sanctions, Russian news source RBC reported yesterday. Both countries are exploring ways to replace the SWIFT interbank payment system and avoid the US dollar transactions said the head of Iranian Parliamentary Commission for Economic Affairs, Mohammad Reza Pourebrahimi. Pourebrahimi met…

More Details on Dash and Mobile Wallet Paycent

More Details on Dash and Mobile Wallet Paycent

People are now able to send DASH to mobile numbers in over 200 countries with the Paycent mobile app. Paycent and DASH DASH was made available on Paycent, a hybrid mobile wallet, and a subsidiary of the Singapore-based company Texcent, earlier this month. Other cryptocurrencies that are available through Paycent are Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH) and Litecoin…