Former Manager has Joined WONO, the P2P Platform for Rentals and Freelancing

Former Manager has Joined WONO, the P2P Platform for Rentals and Freelancing

HomePress ReleaseFormer Manager has Joined WONO, the P2P Platform for Rentals and Freelancing Accommodation and travel expert Benedict O’Leary, who previously worked for as a key account manager and business developer, joined WONO startup as an advisor. “I’ve read the WONO whitepaper and strongly believe that a tax-free platform such as this, that…

BitShares Review

BitShares Review

While it’s true that centralized exchanges have their benefits, such as being easy to use and easy to access, these exchanges also have security risks. This is why decentralized exchanges are spiking in popularity. That said, even though decentralized exchanges are becoming increasingly more popular with every passing day, individuals are still required to do…

CryptoKitties Hit with NDA Lawsuit over Steph Curry ‘CurryKitties’

CryptoKitties Hit with NDA Lawsuit over Steph Curry ‘CurryKitties’

Vancouver-based Axoim Zen, the maker of CryptoKitties, claims it has been “falsely accused” of theft involving the Steph Curry themed ‘CurryKitties,’ VentureBeat reported this morning. Starcoin (which goes by the brand name Tradestar) is the company who is suing Axiom Zen for alleged trade secret misappropriation and breach of a previously signed confidentiality agreement. CEO of…