Bithumb: Cryptocurrency Exchange Bans 11 Countries from its Platform

Bithumb: Cryptocurrency Exchange Bans 11 Countries from its Platform

One of South Korea’s largest cryptocurrency exchanges, Bithumb, has just announced that it will be halting trade on its platform in 11 different countries. Bithumb cited money laundering concerns and will comply with the anti-money laundering norms and is blocking residents in the jurisdictions of the Non-Cooperative Countries and Territories (NCCT) blacklist. According to coinmarketcap, the…

Sharia Law And Bitcoins Fatwa

Sharia Law And Bitcoins Fatwa

By “group” I am referring to an estimated 1.6 billion Muslims of the world, or 23% of the world’s population according to the December 2012 Global Religious Landscape report from the Pew Research Center’s Forum on Religion & Public Life.  Due to the core belief of Muslims that Islam is a complete code for life,…

R3 Corda Blockchain Completes a €500K Foreign Exchange Trade

R3 Corda Blockchain Completes a €500K Foreign Exchange Trade

Reuters reported on Thursday that Commerzbank and multinational group Thyssenkrupp successfully used the R3 Corda blockchain platform to complete a €500,000 forex transaction. The transaction uses a blockchain to store the entire transaction as a single, invariable record. Participating companies and banks do not have to worry about the reconciliation of transactions, and this greatly…