DLive Launches Android App to Bring Twitch-Style Streaming to Blockchain

DLive Launches Android App to Bring Twitch-Style Streaming to Blockchain

HomeSponsoredDLive Launches Android App to Bring Twitch-Style Streaming to Blockchain DLive, the world’s first (and biggest) decentralized streaming platform has been seeing some impressive growth. Since launching about six months ago, the blockchain startup already has 500,000 monthly active users who tune into the platform to watch everything from Fortnite streams to DIY cooking shows.…

Why South Korea still matters to crypto

Why South Korea still matters to crypto

Just as the industrial revolution centred on the cities of Northern England, and the digital revolution on the shores of Silicon Valley, blockchain development is beginning to concentrate in certain areas. One of these places is South Korea, where authorities have recently announced plans for “Crypto Beach” a major blockchain centre styled after Switzerland’s Crypto…