As everyone is gearing up for Super Bowl LII this coming Sunday, we sat down with M2Jets CEO Moshe Malamud for an exclusive interview. M2 Jets is a private charter company and they are the first in the business accepting Bitcoin (available on Coinbase) as payment! With cryptocurrencies taking the world by storm, companies are starting to get in on the action. Taking Bitcoin (available on Coinbase) payments primarily from international customers is giving M2 Jets an edge on the competition. 

Retired New England Patriot Bret Lockett has partnered with M2Jets and will be in Minneapolis to see the Pats compete this weekend. International superstar Cardi B, and rap star Future have also teamed with the company to perform for a huge party!

SuperBowl LII is the first event M2Jets is accepting the cryptocurrency for, though the company chartered over 500 flights at last year’s SuperBowl event. The question is will this increase business for the company, and will other private, luxury transportation follow Malamud’s lead? 

So Malamud, how big a customer base does M2Jets currently have?


The M2Jets clientele is made up of over 300 high net worth individuals, including hedge fund and family office managers, celebrities, artists and, musicians. 


Why implement Bitcoin (available on Coinbase) acceptance now – is it due to potential new clients coming from ‘new Bitcoin (available on Coinbase) money?


The majority of our clients execute payment primarily by wire transfer. In recent months, we have received requests for payment via Bitcoin (available on Coinbase). After careful consideration, we have decided to add this as a form of payment specifically for international clients, as a means to execute payments after banking hours.


After the Super Bowl, what is the likelihood that this will be a continuing transaction? Will you be expanding outside of the Superbowl or is it simply a trial run?


We will be accepting Bitcoin (available on Coinbase) as a form of payment even after the Super Bowl.  Its 24-hour seamless transaction platform offers convenience to our international clients to provide payment 24/7.


How do you plan to deal with the possibility of a decline in Bitcoin (available on Coinbase) value, and therefore a loss of money – are you up pricing to cover yourself?


Currently, we are closely watching the fluctuation of the currency and our pricing will be based on real-time pricing. We have the option of immediately converting it into USD or to allow it to sit and accumulate, which takes a lot of uncertainty out of withdrawal risk. 


Do you think this will be the future of luxury air travel?


I can’t predict if this will become the future of luxury travel. We view it as an instrument to seamlessly make transactions on an international platform without the concern of transfers, delays, or banking hours.

What role does Bret Lockett (a former New England Patriot NFL player) play with M2Jets?


Bret Lockett serves as an active partner and a member of the executive M2Jets team. He is also responsible for the West Coast corporate operations.


How much interest have you received? How many people do you estimate will choose to fly by Bitcoin (available on Coinbase)?


Currently accepting Bitcoin (available on Coinbase) is in the testing phase for us. While we have only done a handful of Bitcoin (available on Coinbase) transactions to date, we have received numerous requests and do see it as a regular form of payment for our clientele. 


Are you planning on accepting other currencies or solely Bitcoin (available on Coinbase)?


At this point, the only two cryptocurrencies that we are excepting are Bitcoin (available on Coinbase) and light coin.

A first in luxury air travel, M2Jets may be making history this SuperBowl weekend but only time will tell if it proves successful. We’ll check back in early next week to see how well the trial run does, so watch this space. 

If you’re interested in booking a charter flight with M2Jets find their contact info here.

Thanks to CEO Moshe Malamud for taking time to speak to

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Samara graduated from Simon Fraser University with a BA in English, minoring in Publishing and Creative Writing. One day she hopes to publish her very own novel, but in the meantime, she contents herself with blogging and editing.
She currently specializes in writing financial news and analysis, as well as cryptocurrency news and information.