Age of Rust is a blockchain adventure game being developed by SpacePirate. The game involves roleplaying, strategizing, and battling other players. The reward? Cryptocurrency.

Let the Adventure Begin

Age of Rust transports players to a dystopian future where society has collapsed. This is the Age of Rust. Players will explore a bizarre galaxy where they will have to survive mercenaries such as privateers, bounty hunters, and rogue mechs— the futuristic robots that have turned against humanity.

Players will travel to abandoned spacecraft, lost mines, secret bases, and hidden space stations to solve the mystery of the Age of Rust. There will be clues and hints woven throughout the story to help players on their journey to survival – and to the prize.

Source: Age of RustGameplay: Fight or Solve?

Age of Rust pulls many game features into one retro-style game. It’s a multiplayer science fiction roleplaying adventure game that plays as the old style dice-based games. It’s riddled with puzzles that players can solve to find hidden treasures, which includes hidden Bitcoin (available on Coinbase) (BTC).

Players can either solve puzzles or engage in combat (or a mix of both) to progress further in the story. The puzzles are meant to be challenging, but you don’t have to solve them alone. Along with the hints hidden throughout the game, there is an in-game chat feature. Using this, you can form teams with the other players, share clues, and help each other out. Or, if you’d rather work alone, you can just make friendly chit-chat with the other players.

If combat is more your style, the game employs both PVP (player vs. player) and PVE (player vs. environment). Combat will be turn-based and will be affected by things like your character’s armor, speed, and hit points. If you want to take a break from combat and just focus on exploring, you have the option to turn off PVP.

WhETHer puzzling or fighting, you can play by yourself or play with others.

Source: Age of Rust