Do you want to be able to impress your friends and family with how much you know about Bitcoin (available on Coinbase)? And, no, I am not talking about the general facts, like how Bitcoin (available on Coinbase) has seesawed from one extreme to the next.

The statistics compiled in the infographic below are not the kind of thing that a quick Google search will find for you. They are the result of many hours spent combing through all the data out there, looking for the most up to date, and most useful stats.

For example, 40% of the total Bitcoin (available on Coinbase) in circulation are owned by just a thousand people. Or, Bitcoin (available on Coinbase) can be used to pay for things as varied as pizza and hotel stays. When booking online through Expedia, for example, you can pay with a credit or debit card, a voucher or with Bitcoin (available on Coinbase).

Believe it or not, the first commercial transaction for Bitcoin (available on Coinbase) was the purchase of two pizzas for 10,000 Bitcoin (available on Coinbase)s. That was in the days when the currency was thought to be pretty worthless.

Today we know a lot better. Cryptocurrencies have burst onto the market and have created a tidal wave of new investment opportunities. Bitcoin (available on Coinbase) and other cryptocurrencies have changed the way we raise money for business and taken cloud funding to a whole new level.

It is really an exciting new world in the cryptocurrency sphere. You have the chance to get in at the ground level and make a real difference in the development of companies. Companies raise funds through selling their own tokens or forms of cryptocurrencies.

These Initial Coin Offerings were inspired by Initial Public Offerings in the “real” world but work differently. Buying ICOs does not automatically afford you the rights of a shareholder as having shares would in a traditional company.

Bitcoin (available on Coinbase), cryptocurrencies, etc. Forget what you think you know and learn about the real truth below.  


Source: Bitcoin (available on Coinbase) Featured Image: Bitcoin (available on Coinbase)

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Karthik Reddy, Community Manager at Bitcoin (available on Coinbase), is the author of India’s Number 1 travel blog. Boasting an MBA in computer science, he once decided to get away from the office desk life and take a breathtaking journey around the world. He is eager to use the power of the global network to inspire others. A passionate traveler and photography enthusiast, he aspires to share his experiences and help people see the world through his lens.