Welcome to the Crypto Olympics: Day 8

Check out Day 7 of the Crypto Olympics

Coin vs. Coin – who will be crowned the Crypto Olympics Champ?

We’ve finally made it to our first round of semi-finals! Congratulations to all our participating coins so far, but there can only be one Ultimate Coin. Ethereum (available on Coinbase) won Day 7 and is moving on to the finals. Today’s new coins facing off will be……… Cardano (ADA) and Bitcoin (available on Coinbase) Cash (BCH)!

In case you’ve missed it, these are the rules: we start with two coins and measure their gains and losses between 9:00 am and 4:00 pm PST. When the 4:00 pm finish line hits, whichever coin has gained the most (or lost the least if both coins are down) within our time frame is crowned the winner for the day and moves into the next bracket. We carry on until we end with our ultimate coin – the Crypto Olympics Champ.

We will be holding a podium ceremony at the end of our games to award the gold, silver and bronze medals to the appropriate coins.

Obviously, this is just for fun and games, and should not be taken as serious advice.

To see how we’re breaking up the rounds, check out the chart below.

Cardano (ADA)

CADAno has made a major spike just before the beginning of our race; we shall see if it will spike again.

At press time, ADA is trading at $0.41 a coin, up 4.06%.

Source: CoinMarketCapCardano fans everywhere are cheering loud!

Bitcoin (available on Coinbase) Cash (BCH)

Bitcoin (available on Coinbase) Cash has been training hard the past week and has soared in the market. Can it maintain its momentum?

Source: CoinMarketCapBCH is trading for $1,535 a coin, up 2.74%, in 24 hours.

Bitcoin (available on Coinbase) Cash is starting out as the underdog, can it catch up? We shall see!

Check back in at 4:00 pm PST to find out who wins.

Competition Over!

Cardano (ADA) ended the race at $0.41.

Bitcoin (available on Coinbase) Cash (BCH) ended the race at $1,531.07.

The winner is…….


Bitcoin (available on Coinbase) cash slumped in price slightly, so Cardano will move on to the next round.

Stay tuned for Day 9 of the Crypto Olympics!

Featured Image: TheDaily

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Chelsea Roh is a freelance content writer living in Vancouver, BC. Her current focus is cryptocurrency, financial analysis and blockchain technology. You could call her a “blockchain enthusiast.” In addition to content writing, she is an experienced Social Media Strategist. Before moving to CanADA, she spent 10+ years marketing
and working hands-on in the medical practice industry.