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It’s doom and gloom on the cryptocurrency market today as Bitcoin (available on Coinbase) (BTC) and its peers have suffered sharper price plunges than ever. But it isn’t dissuading the United Nation’s Children’s Fund (UNICEF) from launching a new drive – cleverly-named Game Chaingers – which will see PC gamers mine for charity and donate their earnings to Syrian children.

The campaign is targeted at gamers who own high-performance graphics cards which could be used to mine cryptocurrency; namely Ethereum (available on Coinbase) (ETH). It works like this: kind-hearted users can head to the Game Chaingers website to download the Claymore mining software. Then, when users are sleeping or otherwise not using their computer, they simply turn the software on and let it do its thing. It will automatically use the power from the system’s graphics card to mine Ethereum (available on Coinbase) and donate the money earned to UNICEF’s elecTron (available on Binance)ic wallet. UNICEF will then use the money to support its campaign to help 8.3 million children in need of aid in the Syrian war – what they call ‘the most appalling humanitarian crisis of the past twenty years.’